Saturday 7 July 2007


So, today was SMKTM's Carnival Day. We as a group decided to open a stall for our Arts Club. It is sort of last minute but, haha, it is worth it. =) We decided on selling chocolate/honey popcorn and jelly as food and cincau, syrup, rootbeer float and tropical punch as drinks. The chocolate popcorn was a BIG HIT!! And also the tropical punch! It was a big big hit!! Unfortunately, the ice-cream for the float was melted so we couldn't sell much. But we did the best we could!! =) Everything went well. We spent about 70 maximum for the supply and we got 100 over profit. Not bad. It is considered as really good already, despite on the price we set. lol.

So, we started the day with Mika's album playing on pig's radio. hahaha. Mika made the day too! His songs is simply amazing. hahaha. So, after the song was on, our stall was officially opened!! hahaha. Funny ain't it? Anyways, as the hours went past, it was already 11am. We started at 8am. How time flies. lol. We have fun todayyy!! We even had fun cleaning the stall! hahaha. That is odd because we normally argue about something when it comes to cleaning. hahaha. Today was a no arguing/fighting day apparently. hahaha. We didn't argue but instead we worked together. Which is a really good thing. Haven't had that in ages. hahaha. =p Raaga is such a stupid promoter! hahaha. He promote like don't know what! Force people only. lol! Salam helped a lot today! Fella promote our stall like hell. Going around the school asking people to come~! hahaha. We're so blessed. hahaha. Blessed with a promoter!! loll~

Who knew opening our own stall could be fun? It was indeed a wise idea to open the stall. A really good one. lol. THANKS PIG!! hahaha. President of Arts Club for the ever so great suggestion!~ lol. =) I, as secretary of Arts Club, representing the Club to thank those who helped with today's successful sale. We appreciate it a whole lot! Thanks!~ Today's sale was a success. And where the cash go? lol. You will soon to find out. hahaha. Well, that is it from me, today made me all tired. hahaha. So, I'll see you all soon. See yahs, take care all and may God bless your soul~ =)

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