Monday 28 May 2007

Another poem entry.

Heys, I am back with a new entry. This is an emo poem. For some reason, I feel like writing this. It is just so, erm, sudden. I don't know if anyone is feeling this at the moment but if anyone who reads my blog and is going through this, I warn you. You will get more depressed. Maybe to some they will feel better. I am not sure. And this would be scary if anyone is going through this and I wrote this. hahaha. And this poem is certainly not about me. I don't go through all this, yet. Sweats. haha. Anyways, enjoys! =)

Lost and Broken

I took your heart and made it whole,
I was the aid for your lonely soul.
I constantly sweep you off your feet,
But why do I feel such defeat?

Maybe my heart hasn't spoken enough,
And life is indeed getting rough.
I am lost in my own thoughts,
Always thinking what could be the cause.

I am partially broken right now,
But I will not brake my vow.
To be the person who I was and always,
Its just that I am someone else some days.

I wish I can figure out what is so troubling,
Because I am slowly sinking.
Drown in my own river of thoughts,
Having your answer would help me a lot.

Until then I guess I am who I am,
To live in this world that is so damned.
I wish life isn't this complicating,
Because I feel as if I am dying.

I am standing at the edge of the world,
Hoping my wings would unfurl.
Falling greatly with the highest speed,
Thinking of what I really need.

Sunday 27 May 2007


A random poem by me. Again. hahaha. YEAY!! I am writing once again! Yahoo! lol. Anyways, enjoy aiks! =)


As time passes by,
We thought of the moments that made us cry,
The moments that made us laugh,
And the moments when our life was so rough.

The people who was there were just simply amazing,
The souls that was so kind and caring.
The people who was there when no one else would,
And the people who always do the best they could.

Putting their needs behind others,
Having people's needs to be the first.
Wanting the best for the ones they love,
Showing true friendship and love.

They might not be there all the time,
But that is certainly not a crime.
As long as we know they are there,
We know that we can always share.

They point out the right from the wrong,
They correct the lyrics of a song.
We complete each other,
And loving one another.

They are the ones who set foot in every chapter,
And they are the ones who helped us go further.
They are the people who we trust,
They are the people in our memories that will last.

They are true, pure and genuine,
They never make a single crime,
They are a part of our life,
They are the ones who get us through the night.

They are friends,
And I will not forget them until the end.
Charlene, Nicholas and Raaga,
Thanks for helping me to go this far.

A poem by me.

Yesterday around 2am in the morning I decided to suddenly write a poem. I was crying writing the poem. I don't exactly know why. I just feel life is unfair for those who deserves the better. I am not talking about me. Definitely not. I have so much better life compared to some. Maybe sometimes I do feel that everything is falling down but when I do feel that way, I choose not to believe that I am not the the worst one. It's human nature I guess. Sometimes, people choose not to believe it because their common sense is blocked by some other thought that already filled one's mind. It will indeed take time to get it out once again. It is indeed normal if you ask me. Anyways, enjoy my poem entitled LIFE. It is just another random poem by me. Enjoy and I hope you all like it. =)


Pain is unbearable,
Love is unpredictable,
Life is unfair,
Souls were left uncared.

Hearts was broken,
A new path was opened.
Choices were made,
Memories were left to fade.

Fantasy is a lie,
Reality just make us die.
Promises were made,
But it turns out to be a fake.

The world is cold,
Mysteries was unfold,
Hiding no more,
I shall fall on the floor.

Standing firmly,
Walking carefully,
Fighting through the night,
Towards to trails of life.

Saturday 26 May 2007

New haircuttt!!

Wheeeeeee~ I had a haircut!! I CHOPPED MY HAIR OFFER MY HEADER!! Lol. Went haircut with my two dearest friends, Pig and Nick~ Well, we went for a hair cut during the morning. Before that we were supposed to take out the scallop that we put up yesterday but when I went there and I found out that the cloth ain't there anymore. =.=" So, yeah. No need to take out scallop! Yeay! lol. After that, Pig's dad sent us to this place called Derek and Team. The hairdresser there did a really good job! I loved it.

Well, Pig is cutting her hair short. You heard me, SHORT!! hahaha. It looks good though. Really good. She look so pretty with her hair like that. ;p Nick got his hair cut too!! He look so god damn good with that hair~ heh..;) Me? hahaha. My hair is okay for me. I went from straight back to layered which makes me look poofy. hahaha. But this time, it wasn't as bad as last time. Last time was, crazy! I look like a broom! hahaha. But i love this hair now. I have decided to give everything a change. Hurms, about my clothing style, ah! that is something I don't bother. hahaha.

Well, after the haircut, all of us look so god damn good! Both Pig and nick looks so good~~ hahaha. We went to the nearest mamak for Pig was complaining hungry. hahaha. With uncle Ron of course. Uncle belanjaed us makan and minum! lol. And then after food, we head towards our next destination which is KLCC!! Lol. We decided to go there after our haircut because we didn't have anything better to do. hahaha. We reached KLCC at about 3 or so.

The first place we go in KLCC is Coffee Bean. And, I FOUND A NEW FAVOURITE DRINK!!! Hot Mocha...Ahhh..Heaven!!! I WANT!! hahaha. I had Hot Mocha, Pig had Hot Vanilla and Nick had Ultimate Mocha. And Hot Vanilla taste good but not as good as Hot Mocha! lol. =p In Coffee Bean, we talked to each other. Bonded once again! Whhheeeee~ Its been AGES since we sat down and talk!! Stupid exams. hahaha. It felt so good. hehe. I was so extreamly happy throughout the whole day! Even in my dreams! hahaha. I am serious. Not joking! hahaha. So, we had a bit chit-chat about us and all sort and I think we spent an hour sitting at Coffee Bean doing nothing but talking! hahaha. Seriously, it felt so good.

After Coffee Bean we went around KLCC and was a bit lost because we didn't know what to do. It's been a while since we went out. hahaha. We went Isetan to get my feel good food according to Pig. Food to kill my depression. hahaha. After shopping for food, we went to body shoppe!! Pig bought the strawberry scent thingy. It smell so nice! I wanted to blow my cash on the both of them and since they don't want anything, I can't simply buy anything. hahaha. After body shop, we went to tower records and man I tell you, I LOVE THE PIANO SONGS THERE!! But I am very undecided so I didn't get any. hahaha. After that, we went and wait for Pig's mum! Cam whored a bit there and walah! Born is to be to our pictures! hahaha. Check out the pictures taken in KLCC. =)

-Yee and PiG with our new haiiirrr!! =)-

-Three of us with out brand new hair!! Love it!! =) -

-Coffee Bean!! []Hot Vanilla+Hot Mocha(YUMMY!!)+Ultimate Mocha!![]-

-The top of the center of KLCC!! Got bored! It is so prettyy..hahaha.-

It was such a happy day. I wish I could just stop time and freeze it. lol. Anyways, That is it for today. Enjoy and may God bless you all! =)

Tuesday 22 May 2007

20 ways to drive your room mate up the wall

lol. Check this out!! I am lovin' the number 6 way! hahaha.

20 cara untuk jadikan roomate anda gila

Bengang dengan roommate? Tak tahu apa
nak buat? GEt ready for the payback

1. Setiap hari Jumaat, pack segala
barang anda dan bagitau kat roommate
anda nak balik kampung. Selepas sejam,
balik ke bilik & terangkan bhw takde
kat rumah. Unpack segala brg anda &

2. Setiap kali roommate anda balik,
jerit sekuat hati" horee...kau dah
balik". Lepas tu menari dlm 5 minit.
Lepas tu, tenung jam lama2 dan tanya
"Sepatutnya kau dah blah dah skrg"

3. Buat2 terjaga pd tengah malam, jerit
kuat2 " Tolong, kat mana aku berada
dan lari keliling bilik tu. Kalau bilik
kecil, cukuplah sekadar melompat 2-3
kali. Kemudian, sambung tidor. Esoknya,
kalo dia tanya, pura2 tak tahu apa yg
dia cakap.

4. Ambil marker, buat bulatan kecil kat
lengan anda. Besarkan bulatan tu setiap
hari sambil berkata "Dah merebak... dah

5. Beli pepokok bonsai. Bercakap &
dengan pokok tu setiap hari. Selepas
seminggu, bertengkar dgn pokok tu dan
cakap "Aku tak boleh hidup sebilik
dengan kau lagi" sambil keluar &
menghempaskan pintu bilik dgn
kuat...Buang pokok tu tapi biarkan pasu
kat situ.

6. Beli pisau banyak-banyak. Tajamkan
setiap malam sambil merenung roommate
anda sambil berkata "Tak lama
lama lagi..."

7. Duduk didepan papan chess dua-tiga
jam tanpa buat apa2 atau cakap apa2.
Lepas tu bangun secara tiba2 sambil
berkata, "Siot betul, kalah lagi"

8. Setiap kali roommate balik, tutup
lampu dan tidor. lepas dia keluar,
bangun dan menjerit dgn kuat
"Horee...!". bukak lampu semula.

9. Pakai topi kertas. Bila dia balik,
cakap "Selamat Datang ke McDonald.
saya ambil pesanan anda..." Lepas tu
buat muka bodoh, sambil berkata "Eh,

10. Kata kat roommate "Ada pesanan
penting untuk kau". Lepas tu buat2
pengsan. Lepas 2-3 jam, bangun dan
yagn anda dah lupa pesanan tu.
cakap "Eh...aku dah ingat". Lepas tu
pengsan balik.

11. Bila roommate anda balik, berpura2
tengah telefon. Caci maki dan menjerit
dengan kuat kat telefon tu. Lepas tu
letak telefon dan cakap kat roommate
yg telefon tadi adalah mak dia. Cakap
mak dia akan telefon balik.

12. Kalau roommate suka gosok gigi kat
sinki, perhatikan sampai habis. Lepas
dia habis, cakap dengan dia bhw anda
kena ajar dia cara mengosok gigi dengan

13. Edarkan risalah ke kawasan
kedai/rumah kedai berdekatan
rumah/kampus. Dalam risalah tu,
bahawa roommate anda hilang. Letak
sekali gambar dia dlm risalah tu.
Tawarkan hadiah kepada sesiapa yg
menjumpai roommate anda.

14. Bila roommate anda tutup lampu pd
sebelah malam, nyanyi lagu opera sekuat
hati. Bila dia buka balik lampu, buat2
muka bodoh dan confused.

15. Duduk & renung roommate dlm 2-3
Kalau boleh, bawa member2 sekali sambil
makan kacang & popcorn. Buat macam
tengah tengok wayang.

16. Masa roommate tiada, ambil deodoran
dan sapukan pada seluruh dinding bilik.
Bila dia balik, puji bahawa bilik
wangi. Lakukan selalu sampai deodoran

17. Kalau roommate ada binatang
peliharaan, spt kucing, offer utk beri
makan kpd binatang tsbt. Cepat2
keluarkan botol gam atau minyak rambut
sebelum dia beri persetujuan kpd kau.

18. Pegang & gosok-gosok rambut
anda sambil berkata "Rambut kau hitam,
lurus dan berkilat la...Macam teknik
rebonding...". Sekali-sekala buat masa
dia tengah tidur.

19. Mase roommate tido, bungkus dia
macam kafan mayat (siap ikat), pastu
panggil member dlm 10 bace yasin
bile rumet jage pakat2 buat x nmpk

20. Sebelum roommate balik dari kelas,
bungkus diri sendiri macam kafan (siap
ikat jugak) pastu baring senyap-senyap
atas katil dia. Mesti dia terkujat
sampai pengsan bila masuk bilik tengok2
ada mayat.

Hehe...try lah.

Stress Meter Maximum!

I am back! With a brand new entry. hahaha. This week I feel rather good. I hope it will last. So, I was thinking, teenagers nowadays consume the most stress rather than anyone else. For some reason, they get very stressed. Maybe us, teenagers, can't handle stress and pressure as well as the adults do. Young adults gets stressed too but they can handle 10 times better than us, teenagers, do. I think it is because, in our mind, we think of the negative happenings rather than the positive. Many teenagers are pessimist than optimist for some reason.

Factors or causes of stress or peer pressure of teenagers are mainly because of relationships. Being in a relationship is what most teenagers think they can handle but from what I can see, they are still new in these kind of things even though they may have gone through several relationships. And as usual, we, will get torn between choices, hoping we won't regret what we chose. Stressed about the choices of life and so much more, teenagers tend to loose their concentration and just drift away. Relationship may be the best thing on earth but it has it's cons too and it's cons are way serious than you think. And that is why teenagers stressed about relationships a lot. They are very UNDICIDED!

Besides that, teenagers nowadays too have to face family problems. I, of all people, know that we don't deserve to be a part of this but who knows, God sent us here to make it all better. We may be the only light that is keeping our family alive. Even though this is a big burden to carry but we gain experience and we can prevent it from happening in the future. Teenagers between the age 16-19 tend to see everything rather that the younger teenagers. Older teenagers, they see the problem that they never once faced before. That is why they also tend to go into serious case of depression because they feel that they can't do anything about it. They feel useless. Not only that, some are not allowed to do anything about it because their parents claim that they are too young and they do not understand adulthood problem. Heck! Nothing is impossible to understand.

So there are two factors here. Another one is study matter. Like I said, teenagers nowadays. *sighs* lol. Well, I think I blogged enough today. That is all for today, see yahs and take care! May God bless all of you! Cheers! =)

Saturday 19 May 2007

It kills..

Well, depression kills the crap of you. I am under depression for quite some time already now. And man I tell you, I can't take it any longer. It is killing me. Even today I am depressed. But it was not as bad as I was yesterday. Yesterday was hell for me. I felt so crappy!

Well, what happened was that I came back from school, no one was at home. I was left at home alone. And I realised yesterday that I have a thing where I can't be alone! So, imagine the damage made. I was so depressed I cried to myself. I even drank for goodness sake. I don't usually do that. Actually, to be honest, I don't do that. I never. I normally take depression quite well but not yesterday.

I was depressed practically the whole day yesterday. I was somewhat under a serious case of depression. Everyone was somewhat busy so, I didn't quite seek help. I messaged pig at about 5pm. That is when it got really serious. I was at the point of suicidal. I don't know why. Well, I told her that I am really depressed and that I drank because of it. She replied me sounding pissed off and a second after that, she called me. It seems that I was freaking her out because I was never like this before. Not this serious anyways. Sweats.

And the depression goes on until night. I was depressed throughout the whole night. Called pig again at about 12.30am. Talk things out and she claims that hormones is the answer to my sudden depression thing. Well, it could be or maybe not. I don't know for sure. Well, I was on the phone with her until about 1.30 in the morning. She wanted to talk to me about a certain someone. So, yeah. We both have shit going on that night. Ain't that just fun?? *rights* Oh, I am still depressed today by the way. I don't know how much longer I can take this. Seriously, I might break soon and soon you won't be able to see me here anymore. Bye bye Ho!!

Well, that's it for today i guess. Until next time, see yahs. Take cares and please consult anyone for help if you are under depression. Trust me. I knoowww!! Well, that's it and see you folks and may God bless you all! =S

Wednesday 16 May 2007


Sweat. So life has been pretty depressing for me and I do not know why. Hurms, I guess it is just my mind messing with me. The whether nowadays is so bad. It is so bad that everyone is getting sick. Again! Damn terrible. I have been getting my headaches again. I am so scared something will happen. I am guessing my headache is not as serious as pig's one does. I think she has terrible migraine because her headache is unbearable according to her. I hope she will heal soon. I really don't want go through that pain anymore. She seem to have a bad time facing it. Pity her.

Well, I think my room is having a renovation. Yeay! Finally! Something! hahaha. I hope it comes out nice and pretty. I haven't blog for quite sometime now. So, yesterday's essay is about friendship! I was so thrilled to see that topic! I wrote 595 words essay of it. I over wrote it though. I hope my grammar is okay or not gone be to my A! Exam was okay I guess. Let's list out list of subject that I will FOR SURE fail:

i) Additional Mathematics (seriously, I think I only answered like 7 questions altogether?)
ii) History (This is just crap)
iii) Moral (hahaha. No comment!)

Those are my top 3s. Not sure about chemistry and mathematics. I hope I passed. Oh yes, I am OFFICIALLY loaded!! Wahahaha~ Just took out an amount of cash from the bank! Now I don't have to feel broke!! So happy. hehehe. And I will be an official L driver in another 2weeks!! YEAYS!! *jumpings for joy*

So, holiday is coming. I have a vacation to go to. Mann. I wanted to stay here. Grrs. Well, pig is dragging me to exercise with her this coming holiday. NOOOOO~~ I am going to die. She is fast! Too fast. But she is going to drag me for basketball first so I'm guessing it is alright. She is going teach me how to cook too. Sweat. I can't even fry an egg. -.-" I hope I don't burn her kitchen. =p hahaha. Jokings!! lol.

Well, I hope this holiday is going to be great. Since it is the last holiday I am going to enjoy before trials is here. God damn SPM!! Grrs. Well, that is it for today. I think this is more than enough to cover the previous days that I didn't blog. Lol. Well, that is it. Catch you all some other time. Take care and may God bless all of you. =)

Wednesday 9 May 2007

So much and yet so little

Today was just plain ol' crappy. I don't know why but I am mighty distracted during exam just now. It's so annoying. I wanted to do my add maths paper properly but I was just too distracted. Chemistry paper is today as well. I hope I did it well. Add maths was crap. Seriousness crap! I got too distracted until my mind started too get agitated. I was on the boarder of going nuts again. But sleep saved me from the dreadful thoughts that kept coming to my head. It feels like that all bad things suddenly rushed into my mind out of nowhere. Of all days, it must be today. *sighs* Now I definitely going to fail my add maths. With 0 marks!! I did only 5 out of 25 questions!! I felt too stress to do anything. No mood. No nothing. Shits.

Well, I gave career a bit of thought yesterday and psychology is still my number one favourite. I don't know how to take it though. Because, psychology in Malaysia is pointless. It is not useless but just hard to get a stable job. I am super interested in it. Understanding the human mind is super fun but damn hard to do. My parents and family clearly don't want me to take this profession because it is hard and like I state earlier, pointless. I still want to take it. It is interesting.

My dad suggest that I take HR(Human Resource). But the thing is, I HATE BUSINESSING!! I don't want to do anything that involves business. I really don't like it. But honestly, I still don't know what to do. All I have in mind now is psychology. I used to love medical field but now that I found out that it takes a long time to graduate and day by day diseases becoming serious and cure less, I changed my mind. Now, I have no idea on what to do. *sighs* So many things to think about and so little time.

Well, I want to go and research some psychology stuff now. Until next time, bye. Tomorrow got maths and history paper. I hope it goes well. Alrights, I out of here. Peace and may God bless all of you. =)

Monday 7 May 2007

Ahh..Sweet distraction.

Well, exam was like crap today! I practically don't know anything!! Grrss..Tomorrow got sweet sweet English! Joy!! *jumpings* Well,I was on the phone with Pig just now and it seems that she has some things she can't figure out. Hurms, life, forever and always will be. heh. =)

I just found out that everyone knows I have a laptop! What fun is in that?? I can't tell nobody and I can't be the excited one~ =( But I am still happy. Having a laptop is fun but it is not something I really need. What I really need now is a new phone. My gosh. My old one crack already. hahaha. But actually, I don't want anything at the moment. lol.

I have decided. I want to share my laptop with my friends. lol. I don't know how but I want to. hahaha. Not in a sense that I am big show off but in a sense that they can actually do whatever they want.(not including pornography. lol!) I want them to go online without having to fight over the desktop and stuff like that. Unless the desktop is yours, then it is a total different story. hehe.

Well, I am enjoying the laptop but I don't find it amazing. It still doesn't feel mine.(And no Ee Von, you still can't have it. =p) Well, maybe I will soon enough. I'm so into emo song nowadays. I have no idea why. It just makes me feel good. hahaha.

Yesterday, I suffered from mood swings again. I was okay one minute and then the next, bam! emo me. *sighs* I hate it when that happens. It gets really irritating. Well, I was distracted again somehow today. Was drifting away. Further and further.I have no idea what am I thinking but I am drifting somehow. That sucks ain't it. *hurms* I think I am getting depressed again. It will come soon. I can feel it. Damn emotions. Well, that's it for today. See you all laters and may God bless all of you. =)

Sunday 6 May 2007


Yesterday was my birthday as you all know. Well, it started off quite depressing. (Who am I kidding?) It started off VERY depressing. Like hell! I felt like crap throughout the whole morning. What I didn't know is my freinds all pretend as if they don't care. I felt like crap because they all somehow were ignoring me. So, I was left alone. I hate being alone. GAHHH!! lol. Well, I slept my way through the noon. And then comes evening.

I slept from 2pm to about like 4pm. I woke up and then I thought, "I should eat something". I didn't eat anything properly because I wasn't in the mood. So, I made myself maggi. (sad. yeah, I know) And then, something came up. I saw Nick outside my house not long after that. I was like, "what the hell is he doing here?" So, it kind of blew off that there will be a surprise. I was still blur at that time. In fact, VERY blur. hahaha. Nick tried to cover up and stuff like that. Nope. It didn't work. (Sorry Nick..=p)

Not long after that, Pig they all came and yelled happy birthday. I was like, a blur way. I was damnnnnn blur. It wasn't expecting anything. I thought that they might be really busy that they have to cancel or something like that. So yeah. I DIDN'T HAVE IT COMING!! hahaha. I love them so so much to plan all this. I mean, it is unnecessary to do this. You guys are soo freaking evil!!! Made me feel like crap from morning! hahaha. Well, my day went from depressed to blur to happy to blur again! hahaha. Thanks you guys so damn much!! I love all of you like hell!! lol. Anyways, check out the pictures they took. hahaha.

-Blur blur blur blurrrrr-

-Me and my best friends!! <3 you guys!!-

-Wheee~My birthday cake!!-

-I love you guyss! =)-

-Me and Pig!!-


-Anotha one-

Anyways, I just want to thank Pig to actually care to plan all this and everyone else for coming. It was indeed a surprise. I just look awfully blur to have a surprise look. hahaha. Thank you Pig, Raaga, Nick, Mait, Von, Navin and Saw!!!!!!!!! Love you all so so much!! And most of all, thank you for caring. I will never ever forget any of this. Pig, Raaga, Nick and Mait, I love you guys so so much. You guys are the best! Muacksx!!!

Annd then at night, I was surprosed by another party. THESE PEOPLE ARE CRAZY!!!!!!!! hahaha. My family pulak this time. hahaha. They got me a laptop. CRAZY!!!!!!!!! But I'm happy. Thank you all man! Seriously. lol. I think that's it for now. See you all some other time and THANK YOU ALL SO DAMN FUCKING MUCHHHHHH!!!!! hahahaha. May God bless your soulsss! =)

Saturday 5 May 2007

Oh bugger..

Yeah, it's morning and I am already bored as hell. What a dull day. I don't feel like it's my birthday at all. It feels like a normal and flat day. So, I have guitar lesson later. I hope that would make it all better. I got 100bucks from my mum and 20 from my dad as my birthday presents. Hurms, something is better than nothing. So yeah, I AM NOT BROKE ANYMORE!! ngagahaha! hehehes.. I've been getting wishes all over. Since 12am last night. Wow. I never felt so known. hahaha. Well, I still got no idea what is happening today. Maybe nothing is going to happen. Except for the movie outing with my uncle and his family later tonight. Can't wait!! SPIDERMAN 3 HERE I COME!!! Fwahahahaaaa..I think that is the only thing I am looking forward to right now. I am still clueless what pig they all are doing or..not doing. I seriously have no idea. Not anymore at least. I guess I am stuck at home for now.

Well, so I heard that Vanessa Hudgens is dating Zac Efron. lol. It's so typical. I knew that this is going to happen sooner or later. But I can assure you one thing, it won't last. (A sign of relive for my friend J.J! hehe..) Let's see if I can manage to find some paparazzi pictures. hehe..

-lol. they. together? haha-

So, I got one picture. I failed to get the one which they are kissing though. How sad. lol. Anyways, I better stop before I blog endlessly. lol. Catch you all later. Bye and may God bless you all. =)

What is wrong?

Well, it's half an hour past my birthday and I don't know why, but I don't feel any happier. I am more, depressed rather than happy. What is wrong? I don't know why. I just don't have any idea. I feel s awfully depressed and sad. Stupid! I knew something like this is bound to happen. It's irritating when I am right at the wrongs things! GAHHHH!! hmphs* Hate it so damn much. I feel rather lonely on my birthday. I don't know what is going on later and I have guitar class which I don't know whether to cancel or not. I don't know if I am doing anything for my birthday. I don't know if anyone is doing anything! I hate it when I am so clueless. I hate thinking! Stupid thoughts! STUPID STUPID STUPID!! Mann..I want to just fade all of a sudden. It's not that I don't have anything, I am just not happy. Why? WHY WHY WHY?!?!?! It's getting super irritating. Damn it. What happens, happens. I seriously don't want to think about anything but I can't help it can I? GAHHHH!!! Stupiddddd!! =(

Friday 4 May 2007

It's killing me!

Well, as most people know, my birthday is tomorrow. I seriously have no idea what is going on! I thought about it and I even dreamt about it like twice just now? hahaha. Silly. Yes I know. hahaha. So, I have a rough idea on what is bound to happen but I can never be TOO sure. (You guys are so evil!! Make me think only! lol.) I've been showered with questions like "what's your favourite food?" and "what's your favourite fruits?" I totally don't know what is going to happen. Well, I might but, who knows. hahaha. I don't know if Raaga is telling me all those things like "I am going to watch movie without you" and also "I am going out without you" is a cover up to make me believe that something is going on or he is hinting me like ass a lot. hahaha. DAMN IT!! NOW I DON'T KNOW WHAT IS HAPPENING!!!! Grrr..hahaha. But no matter what it is, I will appreciate it a lot. hehe. I think I won't be able to sleep thanks to a certain friends of mine! hahaha. Anyways, that's all for today. And I hope tomorrow will be fun! hehe. See you all and may God bless you all!! =)

Thursday 3 May 2007

Total Blurcase.

So yeah. Today school reopened. Had to go school once again. The ever so nice school. Lol. So I went to school, and I found myself so god damn blur. (damn it) I am so clueless about school lessons and I think I fell asleep like 3 times during BM? lol. That is nothing to be surprised about. It is practically normal since BM is such a BORING subject!! grrr. I wish the language is perish from this country or something. Aih. hahaha. Like that is going to happen. =p

Exam is coming. I am so not ready for it. I can't afford to fail again! omg. I would freak! 22 papers all together. I think the government is trying to kill our brains or something! Who would survive so many papers. Gahhhh! Stupid government. (Like they are ever smart. . .) hmph! lol. I guess for the sake of good jobs we got to study. Mannn, how I wish I can just work with a good pay without having to study. haha. Yeah right. Dream is all I can do. hehe. So back to exam. What the freaking hell??!! 3weeks of damn exam! I can die studying! STUPID MID TERM!! I am not a person who is willing to sit my ass down just to study. I am more of a person who likes to waste time online and TV! lol.

Weee~ My birthday is coming in a few days time. I wonder what is going to happen. I am so excited to know. I just hope nothing wrong is going to happen. It would be devastating if anything happen. Grrrs. So, I wanted to blog since 2pm just now but I too caught up chatting with Pig and Saw! hahaha. But it's okay. At least I am doing something good. I think. lol. Great God! I got to study! I will do it later. hehe. Anyways, I think that's enough for today. I will blog again tomorrow if I bother to. hehe. See yahz! And may God bless you all. =)

Wednesday 2 May 2007


Omg! I am totally addicted to all these stupid test shit whatever. hahaha. Check this out.

Your Personality is Very Rare (INFP)

Your personality type is dreamy, romantic, elegant, and expressive.

Only about 5% of all people have your personality, including 6% of all women and 4% of all men
You are Introverted, Intuitive, Feeling, and Perceiving.

Pesonality Test

So I took this personality test thingy and damn, it was freaky. The personality is exact. Scary. I confirmed it by asking Charlene. She knows me and I trust her answer. haha. She said she couldn't describe me better than that. LOL! So, my results were;

# Team player, makes strong efforts to cooperate with others
# Friendly, pleasant … but not the life of the party
# Supportive and encouraging
# Patient, good listener
# Avoids risk, conservative; conventional and conforming
# Prefers to follow the lead of others
# Easy-going, defers to others; not pushy or aggressive
# Anxious and tense, especially around conflict
# Low results orientation, low initiative, lower self-confidence
# Kind, considerate, careful not to offend others
# Trusting, always willing to compromise, very forgiving of others

For anyone who wants to try this test, you can visit,

Tuesday 1 May 2007

First time?

Got myself a blogspot! Again. hahaha. I had one once. I don't remember my sign in name and I eventually forgotten about it. hehe. So yeah. I am going to make this one alive. Heeee! =)