Saturday 30 June 2007

Thinking Of......?

I haven't been a frequent blogger like I first created this blog, huh? lol. I've been lazy to blog. Sorry for those who looks forward to my blog. Anyways, Things has been going fine lately, but it also has its own cons. What is life without pros and cons? A lifeless one. lol. =) Well, I've been thinking a lot lately and I couldn't help but to think about what the future have for in store for me. With my ever so bad results, I don't think I can go anywhere. I can't wait for my room to be done! Then only I can finally study properly.

Well, the future. I know I want to take up psychology as my course but I don't know if that is wise. I don't think it is though. Ah, what the heck. Well, been depressed a lot lately too. (Since when I am not? lol.) Been thinking a lot and moreover I have shit up my ass too. Lol. That is such a weird term. haha.

You know, I hate being right all the time. I mean at times it is fun to be right but you will reach a point where you just don't want to be right anymore. It feels like a curse. For example, I was right when I thought Charlene is most probably migrating to Australia even before she tells me about it. I already knew when I was back in form 3. Next, I knew people will use me for their own purposes. I was right. Next, I knew my family is bound to be broken. I was right. Next, I knew people I dear will leave me for personal reasons. And again, I was right. I hate being right all the time. Like I said earlier, it feels like a curse but also a gift. I guess I should be thankful.

Friends. I love them with all my heart. I do. But sometimes, I need more than just friends, I need someone I could count on no matter where they are or what they are doing. In other words, a boyfriend. At times I feel helpless without someone close. Like now, for example. This is one of the times I need someone just to melt my heart unintentionally. I feel so helpless now. And at time, I feel there is no need to have a guy in life for now. It is very confusing if you ask me. This is weird topic for me. I am always those "I don't give a shit" type. But you know, sometimes, people needs to be loved too.

Dreams. I had so many dreams about me falling in love. And it feels so so good. It feels as if you you are floating. With that warm hugs and kisses that wipe your fears away. Not caring about everything in the world but ourselves. It sucks to know it is just a dream. You woke up happy but when it hits you, it is just another lame ass dream. Lol. It sucks to know.

Ain't this unusual? For me to say all this? I find it weird. lol. Anyways, that's more than enough to last a week. hahaha. Till next time. See yahs, and may God bless you all. =)

Monday 11 June 2007


Lol. I am back and with a new entry. So, I was in the whole lovey dovey mood since yesterday. I so hope it is a good thing. So so hope. hahaha. Well, apparently I am kind of worried at the moment. It seems that both Pig's phone are not getting through and I am afraid that something might have happened to her. Let's hope that didn't happen. I seriously hope and pray so. =S Well, I haven't been an active blogger. I didn't really have anything to blog about. Every time I do, something comes up and I can't blog. lol. (Not blaming anyone~)Well, I wrote another poem just now. Was in the zone again. =p Here it is. It is entitled 'Love'. Enjoys!~ =)


Love is something unexplained,
Something we always retain,
And something we never get ashamed.

Love is a drive to show,
Show what we are loved for,
And to opened up a tightly shut door.

Love is very delicate,
It can never be explained by words,
Nor can we get by growing from dirt.

Love consist of trust,
It is not a way to find lust,
And understanding is a must.

Love is something very unique,
It will make us feel happy indeed,
And it will come to us in times of need.

Love comes along with pain,
There nothing cannot be done without a gain.
And then only sun will be seen from the heavy rain.

Love is hard to predict,
It will only cause bad conflict,
If we underestimate it.

Love is a very special gift,
It gives us a lift,
To go through the thick mist.

Love is here and always,
It can shown in so many different ways,
It is always here to calm the ever so rough days.

Love will never fade,
It does not have an expiry date,
It is meant to be here and that is how it was made.

Wednesday 6 June 2007


The June babies!! lol. So far there is 4 in my list! And then rest is the soon to comes. lol. So, happy birthday and belated to....

1) Vivian Ho!! (sishta) - June 2nd
2) Aunty Patricia!! (Pig's mummy!) - June 2nd
3) Y.C!! (daddy's colleague~) - June 2nd
4) Crystal Tan!!! (MUMMYY!!) (today) - June 6th

And soon to come are
1) Stephanie!! - June 11th
2) Maitthreyan!! - June 26th

Three cheers for the June babies!! HAPPY BIRTHDAYS!!! =)

Tuesday 5 June 2007


So, I've been stuck online for quite sometime and damn it, it is hell borink! Thank goodness for tuition later! (Yeay! Seeing Pig again after a week! lol) I feel as if I am decaying in front of the desktop! lol. Yeays! Getting my lappy back from Pig today! Haven't touch it for a week! Missed it so much. hahaha. Well, letting pig hang on to my lappy during my trip at Redang was indeed a good idea! lol. Since she misses her hubby so much and my lappy has a built in webbie cam, it helps them! LOL! I feel like a cupid!~ hahaha. William seemed very happy too! Chatted with him for 10second last night! lol. He was busy chatting with Pig last night. hahaha. What can I say? They simply love each other. hahaha.

I realise last night that love can indeed make a person do very crazy things. No matter how sick is one person or in a god damn bad mood, talking to your loved ones kind of just made it all alright. This is weird but it is such a beautiful magic. Don't you agree? I certainly do. lol. I love seeing people in very sweet relationships. They are just so sweet and happy and to them, nothing in the world matter. It is only them in their own world. So sweet~ Ahhhhh~ lol. Normally, I would find people who see people in relationships, jealous. I seriously don't know what is there to be jealous about. It is such a beautiful thing and I love to watch them holding hands and all sorts. hahaha. I guess I am weird. hahaha.

You all might have already know, my blog is full of damn blogthings. hahaha. That is what I call, 'Action Of Boredom'. lol. You have no idea how bored was I last night. hahaha. Luckily had Nick and Pig online. I get to chat with them till 1.30am. lol. So late. hahaha. Lol. That is it for today I guess. Lol. YEAY! Tomorrow going ballin' with Pig! And her cousin. XD lol. Anyways, that's it. Until next time, see yahs and may God bless you all~ =)

What Kind of Friend Are You?

You Are A Good Friend

You're always willing to listen
Or lend a shoulder to cry on
You're there through thick and thin
Many people consider you their "best friend"!

What Alcoholic Drink Are You?

You Are Beer!

You don't need to get totally wasted when you hit the bars.
More of a social drinker, you just like to have fun with your friends.
And as long as the beer keeps flowing, you're a happy camper.
But don't mix things up: "Beer Before Liquor, Never Been Sicker!"

What Makes You a Good Friend?

You Are a Good Friend Because You're Loyal

You stick with your friends no matter what, even if you feel like they're doing the wrong thing.
You believe in letting people figure out their own path in life. It's not your place to interfere.

And part of your loyalty means that you'll do a lot for your friends. You definitely go the extra mile.
You'll even do great things for friends without them asking. After all, that's what friendship is all about.

You are truly a friend for life. And you have friends you've known since you were a kid.
Your friends can count on you to do a favor, remember a birthday, or just be there to listen.

Your friends need you most when: They can't turn to anyone else

You really can't be friends with: Fickle people who change friends quickly

Your friendship quote: "Friendship doubles your joys, and divides your sorrows."

What Kind of Drinking Woman Are You?

LOL!!! Check this outs!

You Are a a Martini Woman

Truly classy and refined, you drink like a lady.
You know how to hold your liquor, and you always keep your composure.
And you demand the same in a guy - especially if he can remain a gentleman while drunk.
You prefer to date successful men, who can pay for your quality drinks.

Monday 4 June 2007


Yipee! I have found out how to style my hair!! try this.



Lol. I don't know if I look good but hahaha. What the heck! hehe. =)

Never translate IT terms to the Malay Language

LOL!! Check this shit out! hahahaha

Just FYI...
Advice from Malaysia...

Never translate IT terms to the Malay Language

Why did Dr. Mahathir insist on using English for math and science? Because globally people use the language as information and/or technology language at this moment. How dangerous it is if we were to use these words in Bahasa, especially in schools. See example below.

> >>hardware = barangkeras
> >>software = baranglembut
> >>joystick = batang gembira
> >>plug and play = cucuk dan main
> >>port = lubang
> >>server = pelayan
> >>client = pelanggan

Try to translate this:
"That server gives a plug and play service to the clients using either hardware or software joystick. The joystick goes into the port of the client."

"Pelayan itu memberi pelanggannya layanan cucuk dan main dengan menggunakan batang
gembira jenis keras atau lembut. Batang gembira itu dimasukkan ke dalam lubang pelanggan."

Now You Know.... How terrible is it!!!!!

What Kind Of Intellingence Do I have.

lol. check this out.

Your Dominant Intelligence is Interpersonal Intelligence

You shine in your ability to realate to and understand others.
Good at seeing others' points of view, you get how people think and feel.
You have an uncanny ability to sense true feelings, intentions, and motivations.
A natural born leader, you are great at teaching and mediating conflict.

You would make a good counselor, salesperson, politician, or business person.

Sunday 3 June 2007

Me, Myself and I...

[x] Whats your name? Ho Koon Yee
[x] How old? 17
[x] Siblings? 1
[x] Their ages: 19
[x] Female or male: female
[x] Birthday: 5th May
[x] Nationality: Malaysian
[x] Birthplace: Kuala Lumpur
[x] Living in: Wangsa Melawati, Setapak.
[x] Eye color: Dark brown
[x] Hair color: Dark brown
[x] Righty or Lefty: Righty
[x] Zodiac Sign: Taurus
[x] Innie or Outtie: Outtie
[x] I daydream about: Past experiences
[x] Short or tall: Moderate
[x] School: Melawati High

[x] The shoes you wore today: None. Haven't set foot out of the door today.
[x] Your height: 160cm
[x] Your fears: Loosing my the people I love.

[[-----------------WHAT IS------------------>
[x] Your most overused phrase: 'hahahaha'. hahaha. ;)
[x] Your thoughts when you first wake up: What did I dream? lol.
[x] The first feature you notice in the opposite sex: Personality and Appearance
[x] Your best physical feature: Hurms, I don't know. You be the judge.
[x] Your bedtime: Normally around 12am. hahaha.
[x] Your most missed memory: Hurm, the times when I was so damn fucking carefree. hahaha.

[[-----------------YOU PREFER------------------>
[x] Pepsi or Coke: None actually. Prefer juice.
[x] McDonald's or Burger King: McDonald's!!
[x] Single or group dates: Single but don't mind group date as well.
[x] Cappuccino or Coffee: Cappuccino
[x] Tennis shoes or flip flops: Flip flops! Love erms! ;)
[x] Sports or mall: Sports I guess. I hate shopping. hahaha.

[[-----------------DO YOU------------------>
[x] Smoke: No
[x] Cuss: Lol. Definately. ;)
[x] Take a shower everyday: YEAH!! Of course! I would die if didn't. lol.
[x] Do you think you've been in love?: Erm, I guess so. lol. Don't know for sure. =p
[x] Want to go to college: Yeah. Anything new is good. But I will really miss the old times.
[x] Want to get married: Yeah, why not.
[x] Lie: Hahaha! No!! I don't!!
[x] Given someone a bath: Haha! Yeah! My baby cousin! =p
[x] Cry during a flick: YES!!

[[-----------------WOULD YOU------------------>
[x] Skinny dip: Hahaha. Why would I?
[x] Cut your own hair: NO!! Crazy arh?
[x] Stalk anyone: I did. Once. I think. hahaha.
[x] Skipped school: HAHAHAHAHHA!! What you think?.. ;)
[x] Hook up w/ a friend: Nah. I'd rather not.
[x] Eat shit for a million dollars: LOL!! I would actually consider. hahaha!

[[------------IN THE PAST MONTH DID:/:HAVE YOU-------------->
[x] Go to the mall: Yeah! lol.
[x] Eaten sushi: Nope. Hate it.
[x] Been on stage: No. I want to! But no. hahaha.
[x] Made homemade cookies: Lol. Don't know how.
[x] Been in love: Hahaha. No. Over it already. hehe.
[x] Dyed your hair: Nopes.
[x] Stolen anything: Nopes.

[[--------------HAVE YOU EVER------------------>
[x] Flown on a plane: No but I want to!
[x] Missed school because it was raining?: Hahaha. Yeah.
[x] Told a guy/girl that you liked them?: Nope. I kept it and I am glad I did. ;)
[x] Cried during a Movie?: Yes!! hahaha.
[x] Ever thought an animated character was hot?: Hurms, yeahhh..ahhh~ hahaha.
[x] Had an imaginary friend: Hahaha. No.
[x] Cut your hair: Yes I have.
[x] Had crush on a teacher?: LOL! NOOO!! crazy is it.
[x] Played a game that required removal of clothing?: Lol. Nah.
[x] Been caught doin "sumthin”?: Lol. I don't have anyone to do "something" with so no! haahha.
[x] Been called a tease?: Haha. No.
[x] Shoplifted?: Lol. Guilty? =p

[-----------------------OPPOSITE SEX-------------------------->
[x] Notice first? Personality and Appearance.
[x] have a boyfriend? Nopes!
[x] What are you into? It depends.
[x]Feelin anyone? Nah! Not at the moment.
[x] Ever rejected sumone? Yeah. hahaha.
[x] How many people of the opposite sex is in your buddy list? Too much. hahaha.
[x] Ever been kissed?? Hahaha. Nope.
[x] Best eye color: GREEN!! ahh..heaven..hahaha.
[x] Best hair color: Brownish!
[x] Best height: Taller than me.
[x] Best first date location: Out a park at night.
]x] Best first kiss location: Below the stars. Lol! It feels like the dream I had! hahaha.
[x] Turn ons: Private and confidential.
[x] Turn offs: Jerks.
[x] Coloring: Erms.....
[x] Best article of clothing: What?...

[[-----------------NUMBER OF----------------->
[x] Number of people I could trust with my life: 3 and the only 3 I have.
[x] Number of computers you have: 1
[x] Number of piercings: 2
[x] Number of tattoos: None.
[x] Number of times my name has appeared in the newspaper: None. My mummy and daddy did though. hahaha.
[x] Number of scars on my body: A few.
[x]Number of things in my past that I regret: Hurms, a few.

[x] Shampoo: Sunsilk.
[x] Fav Color(s): Blue and white.
[x] Summer/Winter: Winter.
[x] Fav Cartoon Character: Got a lot!!! hahaha.
[x] Fav Food: Italian food.
[x] Fav Movies: I've got a few.
[x] Fav sport: Hurms, basketball? Oh! SWIMMING! lol.
[x] Word: Hahahahaha!! lol!!
[x] Ice cream flavor: Mint Chocolate!!!!!!!
[x] Holiday: Chinese New Year, School holidays and Christmas!!!!!!
[x] Furniture: BED!! heh.
[x] Number: 5
[x] Fast Food: Mcdonald's!! Ahhh~
[x] School Subject: Science!!!!!!!!! Love it~
[x] Animal: Dogs.
[x] Sport to play: Hurms, basketball?
[x] Sport to watch: Football
[x] Band: A lot!!
[x] Language: English!
[x] Weekend activity: LOL!! SLEEPING!! hahaha.
[x] Roller Coaster: Hurms, not a big fan. lol.
[x] Stores: Hurms, does food store counts? lol.

[[------------------RIGHT NOW------------------>
[x] Wearing: Hahaha. A torn shirt and a short pants. hahaha.
[x] Thinking about: My 3 bestfriends and my stupid chores!
[x] Listening to: Drops Of Jupiter by Train.
[-------------------FRIENDS AND LIFE------------------ >
[x] Do you have a girlfriend/boyfriend? Nopes.
[x] Which one of your friends acts the most like you? Hurms, None.
[x] Worst Feeling?: Pain in the heart.
[x] What time is it now?: 3.42pm
[x] Do you have a best friend?: No, I have 3!! hahaha.
[x] Do you love your friends?: YEAH I DO!! SO SO MUCH!! lol.

[x] Ever fallen for a friend?: Definitely.
[x] You know anyone that is feeling you right now?: No. I don't think so.
[x] Could u live without the computer? Yes.
[x] How many people are on ur buddylist? A few.
[x] Like watching sunrises or sunsets: Sunsets.
[x] What hurts the most? Emotion or Physical?: Emotion.
[x] Trust others way too easily?: All the time.
[x] Is cheerleading a sport?: hahaha. no!
[x] Houses lived in: 1
[x] Schools gone to: 1 pre school, 1 primary, 1 secondary.
[x] Last film seen in theatre: Spiderman3
[x] What do you eat for breakfast?: Anything I feel like eating. lol.

[x] I love to____with people? Talk
[x] What was the last thing you ate? Maggi. hahaha.
[x] The last person u talked on the phone with? Sister.
[x] Favorite drink? Juices.
[x] Do you wear contacts? Once or twice.
[x] Hugs or Kisses? Definitely hugs.
[x] What book are u readin?: None. Hate reading.
[x] The loudest person you know: PIG!!!!!!!!! hahaha.
[x] Favorite gear: My phone!! hahaha.
[x] Your backyard: Has more houses.

[[----------FIRST THING THAT COMES TO MIND--------->
[x] Thong: Something I would never want to own.
[x] Sandwich: Yummy!
[x] Fuck: What the?
[x] Purple:
[x] Love: Something unexplained.
[x] Elephant: Huge.
[x] Sugar: Hyperness! lol

Saturday 2 June 2007

An experience I would never want back! LOL!

So yesterday, I was on the way back from Redang to KL. From Redang we must take a ferry to Terengganu in order to get on the bus. So yeah we did. I got up the bus at approximately 3pm yesterday. I got up and I thought, something is not right. Something tell me this bus is going to brake down. And you know what?? IT DID!! hahahaha. I jinx my own thought! hahaha. That was shit ass funny! lol.

-Wha lah! A broken down bus!-

-In the middle of somewhere! LOL!! HEAD!!!!! hahaha.-

So, we were stuck at Terengganu for a while and seems like we are in some survivor game show or some sort. hahaha. So here it all starts.

On a beautiful Friday evening (not so beautiful because of the fact that we are stuck!) we were stuck somewhere in Terengganu with no food or drink to spare!(not joking! lol) All of us were so god damn hungry and all we have was...a packet of chips! Which will not last for 21 people. What did we do? We sat and plan out a strategy to overcome such nonsense.

-the meeting was held under the not so broken tent!-

-The pissed off committee. =p-

-The kids. With no entertainment, they entertain themselves by taking out kutu from the hair. =p-

After 1 dreadful hour, the bus finally came back to live!! I thank God for that and you know what? I jinx it again! hahaha. I got up and again I said, something is not right. And it did it broke down again and again and again! lol. At last at about 7pm, we thought, yeay! we are finally on the move. After 3 freaking ass hours, guess what, WE WERE STILL IN FREAKING TERENGGANU!! And even worst, the bus broke down again, this time it is in the middle of somewhere on the highway, at night! it was about 10.30pm I think. lol. Me, my cousins and my sister was singing to Keep Your Hands Off My Girl by Good Charlotte to kill our boredom. We made it sound like a band! hahaha. With Kevster as Joel the vocalist, Me as billy(keyboard/guitar), my sister as the dude with the bass and ken as the dude with the guitar. LOL!! SO DAMN FUCKING FUNNY!! hahaha.

We waited and waited and waited. NO BUS!! FUCK! hahaha. And then the clock strikes 12am. 2nd June 2007. Bitch's birthday!! lol. I thought, since it is my sister's birthday, something might happen. And it did. LOL!!!!! The bus cam 5minutes after 12am! hahahaha. That is so freaking funny. I should think more. hahahah. We reach KL at about 6am in the morning and I tell you, that was the longest bus ride ever!! 16hours on the freaking bus!!!!! hahaha. lol. This is a vacation I will never forget. It was so God damn funny. What a day, what a day. hahaha.

Anyways, that is it for today, lol. I still feel abit giddy from the trip. hahaha. Well, until next time, ciaoz and take care!! May God bless you all! =)