Sunday 3 June 2007

Me, Myself and I...

[x] Whats your name? Ho Koon Yee
[x] How old? 17
[x] Siblings? 1
[x] Their ages: 19
[x] Female or male: female
[x] Birthday: 5th May
[x] Nationality: Malaysian
[x] Birthplace: Kuala Lumpur
[x] Living in: Wangsa Melawati, Setapak.
[x] Eye color: Dark brown
[x] Hair color: Dark brown
[x] Righty or Lefty: Righty
[x] Zodiac Sign: Taurus
[x] Innie or Outtie: Outtie
[x] I daydream about: Past experiences
[x] Short or tall: Moderate
[x] School: Melawati High

[x] The shoes you wore today: None. Haven't set foot out of the door today.
[x] Your height: 160cm
[x] Your fears: Loosing my the people I love.

[[-----------------WHAT IS------------------>
[x] Your most overused phrase: 'hahahaha'. hahaha. ;)
[x] Your thoughts when you first wake up: What did I dream? lol.
[x] The first feature you notice in the opposite sex: Personality and Appearance
[x] Your best physical feature: Hurms, I don't know. You be the judge.
[x] Your bedtime: Normally around 12am. hahaha.
[x] Your most missed memory: Hurm, the times when I was so damn fucking carefree. hahaha.

[[-----------------YOU PREFER------------------>
[x] Pepsi or Coke: None actually. Prefer juice.
[x] McDonald's or Burger King: McDonald's!!
[x] Single or group dates: Single but don't mind group date as well.
[x] Cappuccino or Coffee: Cappuccino
[x] Tennis shoes or flip flops: Flip flops! Love erms! ;)
[x] Sports or mall: Sports I guess. I hate shopping. hahaha.

[[-----------------DO YOU------------------>
[x] Smoke: No
[x] Cuss: Lol. Definately. ;)
[x] Take a shower everyday: YEAH!! Of course! I would die if didn't. lol.
[x] Do you think you've been in love?: Erm, I guess so. lol. Don't know for sure. =p
[x] Want to go to college: Yeah. Anything new is good. But I will really miss the old times.
[x] Want to get married: Yeah, why not.
[x] Lie: Hahaha! No!! I don't!!
[x] Given someone a bath: Haha! Yeah! My baby cousin! =p
[x] Cry during a flick: YES!!

[[-----------------WOULD YOU------------------>
[x] Skinny dip: Hahaha. Why would I?
[x] Cut your own hair: NO!! Crazy arh?
[x] Stalk anyone: I did. Once. I think. hahaha.
[x] Skipped school: HAHAHAHAHHA!! What you think?.. ;)
[x] Hook up w/ a friend: Nah. I'd rather not.
[x] Eat shit for a million dollars: LOL!! I would actually consider. hahaha!

[[------------IN THE PAST MONTH DID:/:HAVE YOU-------------->
[x] Go to the mall: Yeah! lol.
[x] Eaten sushi: Nope. Hate it.
[x] Been on stage: No. I want to! But no. hahaha.
[x] Made homemade cookies: Lol. Don't know how.
[x] Been in love: Hahaha. No. Over it already. hehe.
[x] Dyed your hair: Nopes.
[x] Stolen anything: Nopes.

[[--------------HAVE YOU EVER------------------>
[x] Flown on a plane: No but I want to!
[x] Missed school because it was raining?: Hahaha. Yeah.
[x] Told a guy/girl that you liked them?: Nope. I kept it and I am glad I did. ;)
[x] Cried during a Movie?: Yes!! hahaha.
[x] Ever thought an animated character was hot?: Hurms, yeahhh..ahhh~ hahaha.
[x] Had an imaginary friend: Hahaha. No.
[x] Cut your hair: Yes I have.
[x] Had crush on a teacher?: LOL! NOOO!! crazy is it.
[x] Played a game that required removal of clothing?: Lol. Nah.
[x] Been caught doin "sumthin”?: Lol. I don't have anyone to do "something" with so no! haahha.
[x] Been called a tease?: Haha. No.
[x] Shoplifted?: Lol. Guilty? =p

[-----------------------OPPOSITE SEX-------------------------->
[x] Notice first? Personality and Appearance.
[x] have a boyfriend? Nopes!
[x] What are you into? It depends.
[x]Feelin anyone? Nah! Not at the moment.
[x] Ever rejected sumone? Yeah. hahaha.
[x] How many people of the opposite sex is in your buddy list? Too much. hahaha.
[x] Ever been kissed?? Hahaha. Nope.
[x] Best eye color: GREEN!! ahh..heaven..hahaha.
[x] Best hair color: Brownish!
[x] Best height: Taller than me.
[x] Best first date location: Out a park at night.
]x] Best first kiss location: Below the stars. Lol! It feels like the dream I had! hahaha.
[x] Turn ons: Private and confidential.
[x] Turn offs: Jerks.
[x] Coloring: Erms.....
[x] Best article of clothing: What?...

[[-----------------NUMBER OF----------------->
[x] Number of people I could trust with my life: 3 and the only 3 I have.
[x] Number of computers you have: 1
[x] Number of piercings: 2
[x] Number of tattoos: None.
[x] Number of times my name has appeared in the newspaper: None. My mummy and daddy did though. hahaha.
[x] Number of scars on my body: A few.
[x]Number of things in my past that I regret: Hurms, a few.

[x] Shampoo: Sunsilk.
[x] Fav Color(s): Blue and white.
[x] Summer/Winter: Winter.
[x] Fav Cartoon Character: Got a lot!!! hahaha.
[x] Fav Food: Italian food.
[x] Fav Movies: I've got a few.
[x] Fav sport: Hurms, basketball? Oh! SWIMMING! lol.
[x] Word: Hahahahaha!! lol!!
[x] Ice cream flavor: Mint Chocolate!!!!!!!
[x] Holiday: Chinese New Year, School holidays and Christmas!!!!!!
[x] Furniture: BED!! heh.
[x] Number: 5
[x] Fast Food: Mcdonald's!! Ahhh~
[x] School Subject: Science!!!!!!!!! Love it~
[x] Animal: Dogs.
[x] Sport to play: Hurms, basketball?
[x] Sport to watch: Football
[x] Band: A lot!!
[x] Language: English!
[x] Weekend activity: LOL!! SLEEPING!! hahaha.
[x] Roller Coaster: Hurms, not a big fan. lol.
[x] Stores: Hurms, does food store counts? lol.

[[------------------RIGHT NOW------------------>
[x] Wearing: Hahaha. A torn shirt and a short pants. hahaha.
[x] Thinking about: My 3 bestfriends and my stupid chores!
[x] Listening to: Drops Of Jupiter by Train.
[-------------------FRIENDS AND LIFE------------------ >
[x] Do you have a girlfriend/boyfriend? Nopes.
[x] Which one of your friends acts the most like you? Hurms, None.
[x] Worst Feeling?: Pain in the heart.
[x] What time is it now?: 3.42pm
[x] Do you have a best friend?: No, I have 3!! hahaha.
[x] Do you love your friends?: YEAH I DO!! SO SO MUCH!! lol.

[x] Ever fallen for a friend?: Definitely.
[x] You know anyone that is feeling you right now?: No. I don't think so.
[x] Could u live without the computer? Yes.
[x] How many people are on ur buddylist? A few.
[x] Like watching sunrises or sunsets: Sunsets.
[x] What hurts the most? Emotion or Physical?: Emotion.
[x] Trust others way too easily?: All the time.
[x] Is cheerleading a sport?: hahaha. no!
[x] Houses lived in: 1
[x] Schools gone to: 1 pre school, 1 primary, 1 secondary.
[x] Last film seen in theatre: Spiderman3
[x] What do you eat for breakfast?: Anything I feel like eating. lol.

[x] I love to____with people? Talk
[x] What was the last thing you ate? Maggi. hahaha.
[x] The last person u talked on the phone with? Sister.
[x] Favorite drink? Juices.
[x] Do you wear contacts? Once or twice.
[x] Hugs or Kisses? Definitely hugs.
[x] What book are u readin?: None. Hate reading.
[x] The loudest person you know: PIG!!!!!!!!! hahaha.
[x] Favorite gear: My phone!! hahaha.
[x] Your backyard: Has more houses.

[[----------FIRST THING THAT COMES TO MIND--------->
[x] Thong: Something I would never want to own.
[x] Sandwich: Yummy!
[x] Fuck: What the?
[x] Purple:
[x] Love: Something unexplained.
[x] Elephant: Huge.
[x] Sugar: Hyperness! lol

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