Wednesday 26 March 2008

just another sleepless night

How long has it been eh? My, my, my, it has been a while hasn't it?..Well, haven't had the mood to blog these days. There I go again, abandoning my blogs. ;) I don't have any other things to do right now, so, I decided to blog. Firstly, I found this really cool site that translate sentences to whatever language you can find that are provided there. It's really cool. I will post the link at the end of the post. Tonight, or rather, this morning, I would like to blog about a random post called, 'changes'. Yup, you heard me right. It's depressing even when you think about the title. Well, for me at least. I'm still a teenager for god's sake, give me some credit. lol.

Well, the reason I want to blog about this is ,well, 'cause, I've been thinking about it lately. Every night to be exact. Things has been changing and as you know it, I can't seem to be able to bear it. I try, I really do, but, no luck still. *sigh. I have been depressed lately thinking about the changes that is going on and the ones that will soon happen. I am going in college very soon and well, I don't think I'm ready for it just yet. I mean, I know I am physically ready but, am I really emotionally ready for college?..Hms, don't think I am. I am not ready to leave what I have now. I don't know..What is there to leave?..A very precious treasure called friends. I'm just, not ready..

Day by day, I watched my friends, one by one, slipping away and settling into their new life. It breaks my heart to watch but what can I do?..I guess these things happen eh?..I can honestly tell you that I can only imagine myself in contact with just 2 people from all that I know now, in the future. Just 2 and no more than that. I don't know for sure if I'm right or anything, it's just another woman's intuition. lol! woman..lolll!! (yes, I am very amused) I wish I can keep them all though, really, I do, but, everyone is at every part of every corner of the world. lol. What can 'lil ol' me do?..haha. No worries. I'm sure I can make it through this. lol.

Well, that's it from mua. Lazy to type any further. :) Anyways, I will provide the link for that translation site below here. Take care and goodnight. << (copy n paste yourself. the stupid html is fucked)

Sunday 2 March 2008


Have you ever felt so angry that you just want to break everything that was in your way just to feel better?..Have you ever feel as if you are a crazy, mad, hungry, ferocious dog just looking at a juicy fat man?..Have you ever felt so angry that you are just numb all over and no talk can calm you down?..Well, ladies and gentlemen, I have. It just happened to me last night. Yes, me. The last person on earth you would ever think will have such a feel. It was all so bad. I feel as if rage just blinded me and stop myself from thinking straight. It was so terrible. So, so terrible. I can never imagine myself being that angry and upset. Never. But I guess I was. I started screaming and shouting like there's no tomorrow. It was all so crazy. You wouldn't want to be at the person's shoes whom I was shouting at. I nearly punched him and just fight with him. It was all so crazy..Omg, to think about it, I am actually afraid of myself for being that angry. Shits..Crazy man..