Wednesday 26 March 2008

just another sleepless night

How long has it been eh? My, my, my, it has been a while hasn't it?..Well, haven't had the mood to blog these days. There I go again, abandoning my blogs. ;) I don't have any other things to do right now, so, I decided to blog. Firstly, I found this really cool site that translate sentences to whatever language you can find that are provided there. It's really cool. I will post the link at the end of the post. Tonight, or rather, this morning, I would like to blog about a random post called, 'changes'. Yup, you heard me right. It's depressing even when you think about the title. Well, for me at least. I'm still a teenager for god's sake, give me some credit. lol.

Well, the reason I want to blog about this is ,well, 'cause, I've been thinking about it lately. Every night to be exact. Things has been changing and as you know it, I can't seem to be able to bear it. I try, I really do, but, no luck still. *sigh. I have been depressed lately thinking about the changes that is going on and the ones that will soon happen. I am going in college very soon and well, I don't think I'm ready for it just yet. I mean, I know I am physically ready but, am I really emotionally ready for college?..Hms, don't think I am. I am not ready to leave what I have now. I don't know..What is there to leave?..A very precious treasure called friends. I'm just, not ready..

Day by day, I watched my friends, one by one, slipping away and settling into their new life. It breaks my heart to watch but what can I do?..I guess these things happen eh?..I can honestly tell you that I can only imagine myself in contact with just 2 people from all that I know now, in the future. Just 2 and no more than that. I don't know for sure if I'm right or anything, it's just another woman's intuition. lol! woman..lolll!! (yes, I am very amused) I wish I can keep them all though, really, I do, but, everyone is at every part of every corner of the world. lol. What can 'lil ol' me do?..haha. No worries. I'm sure I can make it through this. lol.

Well, that's it from mua. Lazy to type any further. :) Anyways, I will provide the link for that translation site below here. Take care and goodnight. << (copy n paste yourself. the stupid html is fucked)

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