Monday 7 May 2007

Ahh..Sweet distraction.

Well, exam was like crap today! I practically don't know anything!! Grrss..Tomorrow got sweet sweet English! Joy!! *jumpings* Well,I was on the phone with Pig just now and it seems that she has some things she can't figure out. Hurms, life, forever and always will be. heh. =)

I just found out that everyone knows I have a laptop! What fun is in that?? I can't tell nobody and I can't be the excited one~ =( But I am still happy. Having a laptop is fun but it is not something I really need. What I really need now is a new phone. My gosh. My old one crack already. hahaha. But actually, I don't want anything at the moment. lol.

I have decided. I want to share my laptop with my friends. lol. I don't know how but I want to. hahaha. Not in a sense that I am big show off but in a sense that they can actually do whatever they want.(not including pornography. lol!) I want them to go online without having to fight over the desktop and stuff like that. Unless the desktop is yours, then it is a total different story. hehe.

Well, I am enjoying the laptop but I don't find it amazing. It still doesn't feel mine.(And no Ee Von, you still can't have it. =p) Well, maybe I will soon enough. I'm so into emo song nowadays. I have no idea why. It just makes me feel good. hahaha.

Yesterday, I suffered from mood swings again. I was okay one minute and then the next, bam! emo me. *sighs* I hate it when that happens. It gets really irritating. Well, I was distracted again somehow today. Was drifting away. Further and further.I have no idea what am I thinking but I am drifting somehow. That sucks ain't it. *hurms* I think I am getting depressed again. It will come soon. I can feel it. Damn emotions. Well, that's it for today. See you all laters and may God bless all of you. =)

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