Tuesday 22 May 2007

Stress Meter Maximum!

I am back! With a brand new entry. hahaha. This week I feel rather good. I hope it will last. So, I was thinking, teenagers nowadays consume the most stress rather than anyone else. For some reason, they get very stressed. Maybe us, teenagers, can't handle stress and pressure as well as the adults do. Young adults gets stressed too but they can handle 10 times better than us, teenagers, do. I think it is because, in our mind, we think of the negative happenings rather than the positive. Many teenagers are pessimist than optimist for some reason.

Factors or causes of stress or peer pressure of teenagers are mainly because of relationships. Being in a relationship is what most teenagers think they can handle but from what I can see, they are still new in these kind of things even though they may have gone through several relationships. And as usual, we, will get torn between choices, hoping we won't regret what we chose. Stressed about the choices of life and so much more, teenagers tend to loose their concentration and just drift away. Relationship may be the best thing on earth but it has it's cons too and it's cons are way serious than you think. And that is why teenagers stressed about relationships a lot. They are very UNDICIDED!

Besides that, teenagers nowadays too have to face family problems. I, of all people, know that we don't deserve to be a part of this but who knows, God sent us here to make it all better. We may be the only light that is keeping our family alive. Even though this is a big burden to carry but we gain experience and we can prevent it from happening in the future. Teenagers between the age 16-19 tend to see everything rather that the younger teenagers. Older teenagers, they see the problem that they never once faced before. That is why they also tend to go into serious case of depression because they feel that they can't do anything about it. They feel useless. Not only that, some are not allowed to do anything about it because their parents claim that they are too young and they do not understand adulthood problem. Heck! Nothing is impossible to understand.

So there are two factors here. Another one is study matter. Like I said, teenagers nowadays. *sighs* lol. Well, I think I blogged enough today. That is all for today, see yahs and take care! May God bless all of you! Cheers! =)

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