Wednesday 12 December 2007

Experiencing Heartbreak.

Have you ever have one of those feeling where your heart aches non-stop, your throat just feels like something there, blocking your appetite and your stomach feels like it's going round and round? Yes, ladies and gentlemen, that's what I call, a heartbreak. I am currently going through that right now, and mind you, it doesn't feel good. It feels rather annoying and it's freaking painful! hahaha. And something even funnier is that, I got to know this feel, not from a breakup, but, from a family problem. lol. And God! It's fucking painful. haha. The feel is extraordinary. It's so painful, you just want to rip your heart out. Hahaha. I finally feel how Pig felt during a breakup. But haha. I ain't crying. Holding it in, I guess. I'm sick and tired of tears flowing down cause of the pain I feel. Haha. I'm rather immune to it already, I guess. haha. Thank God for friends, they were plenty of help. I get to talk to a friend in need and I felt so good right after. haha. Ironic isn't it? Anyways, that's it from me. tata.

1 comment:

Allan Teruel said...

hang in there. I feel your pain. It'll get better.

Big al