Thursday 17 January 2008


Ok......This poem, was just all so random..I didn't think of it but my hand just typed it all! Anyways, I don't know what should I name this poem..Maybe I should just leave it as untitled. haha. Anyways, that's all. Adios amegoes.

Tonight is the night,
Where you see angels fight.
It may be a dream,
Or just your head wanting to scream.

An unwritten song was sung,
All bad deeds has been done.
Our mind tried to speak,
But not before we are called a freak.

Hunger for love,
And decided to set free the doves.
Longing for a light,
That shines all bright.

Living under a shadow,
Right beside the window.
Sitting there all alone,
With nothing but just a cell phone.

A beautiful flower bloomed,
But yet the worlds seemed so doomed.
A petal is falling,
In a world that is crumbling.

The road is dead,
And we are all too late.
Apologize? Maybe not,
It was said that it wasn't your fault.

Maybe in some space and time,
You will find your crimes,
And realized the truth,
Before you judge without any prove.

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