Friday 12 December 2008

Scratched Memory

Have you ever feel so close, but yet so far away? As if like you're almost there, but there is just something holding you back at where you are; somewhat stuck. In this parallel world, we live a double life. As human as we all tend to be, we also tend to divert from what we are, leaving us to become the inner demons that makes us nothing but much more vulnerable than we already are. We are fragile beings who constantly strive for love, attention and most of all, passion. We grow out of our passion for things we love and change our interests to something less memorable because we fear the memory might haunt us in the near future. Oh, sweet, subtle, calming voice, why must you leave this very vulnerable heart? I feared the day, and the day had come its way. Been trying hard to stay real strong, been trying real hard to not think of it, but sooner or later, it'll come back and haunt my very memory - this last bit of my memory..

i'm still dreading the day,
but there's nothing i can say.
living with a mask on my face,
with hopes that will soon fade..

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