Friday 5 December 2008

A Sudden Shiver

Fate - What is Fate?
Is fate something imaginary? Is it something that determines our future? Or is it just a mere belief? Well, one thing's for sure, we can never escape fate.

Oh yes, how well we know it. Reality sure bites when you don't want them to be. Just when you thought that you could escape from fate, think again; it is bound to come back searching for you. It's kinda scary if you think of it. I'm sure you all have watched the show 'Final Destination', well, relate that to this. We just can't escape fate and whatever fate wants to put us through. Yeah, it is down right, annoying. Not to mention upsetting as well.

Yes, I have my reasons on why I said so, which will not be mention. But yeah, like I said, we cannot escape our fate. Fate is like a vicious circle, just like how life is to us. A circle. Kind to think of it, everything is a circle. See it at my point of view for a moment. Now, think out of the box and use everything you can as an example of circle, like a song! It goes in circle. Movies, roads, directions, words, sentences, and even thoughts. It all runs in a circle, and all for one reason - to send out messages.

Anyways, as I was saying, fate is something that no one can escape. It somehow determines our future (cursed damn fate). Some say that fate brings the people in our lives together, like how friends were to meet one another, but yet, others says that fate is nothing, and that fate is just another excuse used. Does this mean this 'fate' is imaginary? Oh, wouldn't we want to find out. Questions, questions and more questions.

Fate..How I wish I could punch it straight in the face. It has caused so many people so much depression. But of course, happiness as well.
"If fate and time persist, we shall meet again and then maybe start our little game"

over and out

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