Sunday 7 June 2009

Work = Hell

Omg. Who would've known to work is so tiring. I almost forgot the feel of working until today, and mind you it doesn't feel good one bit. My feet are aching! The last time I stood for so long was like what?..3 years ago? Working for Disney. Ever since then, I did not work until now.

So, what's the deal with me suddenly working? Well, I am now currently working under my friend, Ee Von as a part-time Toshiba promoter. Today was my first job. Well actually...It wasn't mine to begin with with. My other friend was supposed to be working but since she's not feeling well, Von called me to replace her for two days. So yea, here I am, working for my weekend (that initially i planned to sleep in).

I'm working and promoting for Carefour (which i hate) and omg..already I hate the work. The management sucks like shit, staff there aren't too friendly, and the senior promoters tend to bully the juniors. Wtf..Somehow, everything to them is a competition (which technically is). They are not friendly one bit. If they can, they want to sabotage you and constantly critisizing your promo products. ...>.<. Dumbfucks.

Anyways, work today was alright. There are a lot customers though. Though, none of them bought anything, but we (my friend and I) promoted a lot. We ALMOST sold one washing machine of $1999.99. ALMOST. haha. But that lady forgot that particular credit card and so she left. She's coming back tomorrow though :D Yeay! First sale! $$ Cha-Ching! ;D The end of the day, we also manage to sell off the DVD player which cost $156.00. heh..

Anyways, I'm going off now. Tired from work and facebook is giving me hell. Seeyas!

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