Sunday 28 June 2009

A Tribute

As most of us already know, our very own, the 'King of Pop', also known as Michael Jackson, has passed away on June 25th (America's date) due to a sudden Cardiac Arrest (a fancy word for heartattack), in his own residence, in L.A. The time of death was approximately, around, 2.30pm (in America), which means it was 2.30am here when it happened. His 'departure' was so sudden, that it shocked the whole music industry and the entire world as well. He was truly a legend (though I, personally, don't really favour his music, but some are pretty, damn nice!). His music was great to some, but life-changing to a lot. Fans all over the world mourns his death through whatever ways they can get their hands on; internet, music, art, poetry, videos of tribute, etc.

This is a tribute from me to our very own, the 'King of Pop'.

“In a world filled with hate, we must still dare to hope. In a world filled with anger, we must still dare to comfort. In a world filled with despair, we must still dare to dream. And in a world filled with distrust, we must still dare to believe.”
-Michael Jackson-

He was a loving person and always wanted nothing but good for the world, especially children. He sees the world from the view of a very hopeful man, a man with a near impossible dream. This dream of his, has pushed him so far that he held charity concerts, produce songs to send out messages, starting all sorts of causes, and more. Though it seems impossible, but he kept on hoping and believing that his dream of...

making this world
will one day be achieved.

R.I.P Michael Jackson
You will always be remembered

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