Thursday 5 June 2008


Floating on the sea far away from home, she looked up to the skies above her. She sees the same sky I stare at every night, back when life was simple. She stared at the beautiful night sky, where she and I once wished for a brighter star. As she drifted further than she was supposed to be, she felt a slight chill. The cold, cold breeze was blowing ever so calmly, as she let herself drift far into the distance. She remembered all like it was just yesterday, when we only have each other for all the world's weight to be lifted. We gave each other hope, care and most of all, love. Now that I'm gone, she told me that she has an undirected path for her emotions. It has no where to be channeled to, it has no where to go, and it has no life. Oh, how she wished she knew sooner. 

Days went by. She dread everyday like how people feared Amargeddon. Day by day, I am slowly going away, and because of that, she is slowly dying inside. She is happy for me, and she is overjoyed. But, the thought of losing me, killed her. Though we did promised each other that we won't abandon one another, but she said she is emotionally imbalance without me. I was the one she constantly ran to when she's down, when she's sad, when she's frustrated, and even when she's happy. But, she said that it just seems so difficult now. She know I said that I am not going anywhere, but, she claimed that it is never that simple. 

She fell for my empathy. She fell for my constant problems. Now that she know she is not the only one, she broke down. She leeches onto my sorrows for her joy. Talking to me, whether it is about my problems or hers, is the only way she could be happy. But, now, she is not going to be the person that I constantly run to anymore. She is not going to be the one who I will go to when I'm sad anymore. She could not take it.

Still drifting far away from home, she stopped and listened. The sea breeze, the wind blowing, and the sound of her sinking into the water. It was quiet, real quiet; so, so quiet, and then...She disappeared.

-just wanted to write a freaking sad story to match my mood for the day.

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