Monday 6 April 2009


listening to : what can I say - brandi carlile
"What can I say, the thought cannot escape from me. I will sing you a song if you could just promise you will stay" Finals are coming real soon and I, for one, are not ready for it just yet. haha. Psychology lesson finally ended today and man, oh man am I gonna miss it. It's awesome. haha. Well, for some of you may know, I am going to linger along HMC for another 2 semesters because of subjects I have yet completed. This semester is supposedly my last semester, but, ahh wells. haha. Looking forward :). Anyways, haha, I have so much more further to go and hopefully, HOPEFULLY I can go through it within this year. haha. That just mean I have to crack my head to the frying pan once more. haha.

Well, as you of you may know, I've been real down lately 'coz of so many reasons I cannot and will not state here. haha. Sometimes things and life just gets the best of you and you just want to be free from all of these, but of course, haha, we can't. We never can. We can only escape but a few minute, maybe hours, but it will come back around to haunt us all over again. I know it and I know it way too well. haha. So reminders of that, are not necessary.

My thousand and million apologies to Rachel Yao for trying to reach out to me but couldn't lol. I know I have issues, I know I have problems, but sometimes, I just needa forget that I I am not running, it is just my way of denying at times. haha. As you and I both know, our ego defense machanism is very much required at times like these. haha. I shall not even go in depth about this. haha. Maybe in the near future, I will open up, but I won't for the time being because I have issues of my own about opening up. lol. Even a real close friend of mine took her 8months of knowing me before I completely tell her my takes me time to get settled. Give me some time.

Things hsan't been going smooth sailing for me these few months. I guess it will get better soon. haha. I'm counting on it too :). lol. And..haha. I'm oh so excited bout my upcoming birthday in May. I don't expect anything too big or even too grand, but of just simple gestures will be more than enough :) . lol. That's kinda what I say every year haha. Oh well..Guess I just don't expect much. haha.

pssssssstt! i still want a call bell and a chalk board + coloured chalks! heh..

haha. shh. No one knows that :P

I wonder what my parents are going to give me for my birthday..Possible one tiny, teennyyy, piuuunie cake. haha. And some cash O.O CHA-CHINGGGGG $$ :D.

haha. It's still quite far away. Like bout a month from now? Today's the it 29 days and counting! haha. College should start already by then. haha. I'm not too sure but I think it is. haha. I hope not tho. haha. LAZY LA! haha. Anyways..I'm done here. Over and out.

-LaneHoz : I wanna sore like how eagles sore and live like how wolves lives

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