Tuesday 7 April 2009

The Mind Speaks


-- if you want to comment about it, be my guest, just don't go completely against my believe --
-- i respect your point of view so try to respect mine :) --

please and thank you!


Life and death. A question we constantly ponder about. There is no real answer to whether there is a heaven and a hell, but one thing's for sure, I believe in reincarnation (haha. score 1 for being a Buddhist. haha).

Reincarnation; not something a lot believe in. People who's in Buddhism, believe highly in reincarnation. This is because your time line of being "punished" isn't done yet. Reason to why most people (or spirits/souls) find reincarnation suffering, because it is normally put in situation where we are being reincarnated in a chain sort of thing. We, Chinese (lol), do not get reincarnated but of only once in our lives, it comes in a chain of years. Some can go up to 400 years of being reincarnated (scary thought huh?) I for one, have a feeling that my time isn't done yet (call it gut feeling if you want haha). But I also highly believe if I could do some thing to help myself redeem my years of incarnating, I will be completely swept off from hell and sent straight to heaven (o.o).

I believe that I am here for a reason and not to just live in this pitiful world where poverty still strikes and where people still have children as slaves and prostitude. I believe I am here to help that certain someone (which I think I have found) to change this world to become a better place to be. I believe I am here to help. I am not here to just sit and wait for my death and let myself being sentenced to another life of reincarnating, no. Even so, I know I am here this lifetime to help out someone of transceding personality to get his/her job done. I know I am here for some reason and not just to live, but to go MAD (heh..Make A Difference).

Perhaps I am still young to do such things, but I know for sure, one day, we will make this world a better place. Make a place where poverty is over and done, where children can come out to live happily without fearing those who they are working for, and where children can come out and play without fearing a bomb having to fall on their very heads and homes (my gosh). Children should have the rights to speak up, that is where we come in. We are all soon-to-be young adults and we are the ones who can make a change to this inhumane world where adult abuses their power for money. Geez..Nonsensical motha f-ers.

War. Another stupid thing that I don't believe still happening in this time and world frame. We are in the 21st century people, my gosh, wake up already. You politicians want to fight about something, bring it to the big house and not to those innocent beings who just want to live. Give them a chance to live, even in poverty, even in the most poorest way of living, they still just WANT to live. Poor things. War won't settle anything (and to think politician can think). Fight fire with fire, and you will get more fire from the ones you've just just set, even by using a single match stick. (sigh) poor innocent people. They are suffering for God damn no reason just because one country hates another. Gosh.

Anyways, this is just my point-of-view. It was not meant to point fingers. haha. I am still very much young. Honestly I'm only 18 turning 19 in a month's time. haha. It's just that sometimes, these nonsense just bugs me because it is all unnecessary. haha. Nonsense. Alrites then, I'm out of here. Have fun everyone ;)

LaneHoz wants to change the world

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