Tuesday 7 April 2009

Not Superman, Human

I am not a superman neither am I a hero. I feel, I think, I have needs. Though at times, I really wish I don't feel at all. Emotions is but another boundaries that stops us to do what we are capable of doing. Sometimes, it is way too much to handle. We are all broken and we should all admit it. It is better to admit than to deny. We have but of so much we can do and can give, so why not take a break one day to forget it all? Why not?

Yea, I hell wished I can be superman. That I can save the world and cool stuff like that. haha. But I know I can't (ooo unless it's the whole adrenaline thing! that's freaky). Sometimes, hurt is way too much to bare that we faint, we lose control. Everyone knows that pretty damn well, as well as myself. We need help, in fact, we ALL need help. haha. But you and I and everyone knows that sometimes, it is better to handle some stuff alone before we go to another. I guess we either have issues or we just think well, we are capable. I for one, knows I am capable.

I won't cry unless it's too much to handle. I won't tell unless it's too much to bare. I won't call unless I know it's safe. I know I won't. I am way too proud to admit I am weak (now that's a weird thing to be proud of). (Not to blow my own horn but...) I know I am a very much humble and down-to-earth person, but when comes to myself, I will not expose until I feel it is right. Sometimes we just need time I guess. But time says nothing, time saves nothing. I have a huge ego when it comes to my vulnerability. haha. I am an easy person to get to know but a very hard person to open up. I have a shell. haha. A huge, tough one. haha.

Sometimes, we just got to do some things alone. We do. It's like a thing we humans have. We think we are able to handle it, we think we are able to do so many things but we just cannot. Ahh wells..Guess I will stick to being a human for now :)

Alrites. I'm done.

-over and out-

Lanehoz wants to sore high up

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