Tuesday 1 July 2008


What is more beautiful than a pair of hands locked together? I think this is, by far, the most beautiful picture I've ever seen. It just seems like the world's weight was lifted in that very picture. Some people see it in relationships, and some in family. I see it in the beauty of friendship. It may sound all crazy or rather weird, but to me, nothing matters more than relationship I have with my friends. Through hardship, sorrows, miseries or just good ol' times, I appreciate every moment of it. I may have to go through all the shit in the world for them, but it is all worth it. Having people like them is like having my prayer answered. This could be a crazy thing to be praying and hoping about, but I do. I know one day, they will leave my life, but until then, I will go through every moment one step at a time. At least then, I have something to look back after a couple of years later, and get to say this very line, "I have been there, got my heart broken, broken a heart, but we mended it back together, as one".

I sound rather in love aren't I? haha. Guess you can say I love the relationship I have with my friends. Not all people can see or feel that, but those who could, I know how it is like. haha. Now, I see everyday as a gift! la la laa..

haha! I love that picture..Anyways, these are the people I'm talking about. The loves of my life. haha. Through crazy, stupid, happy, sad, hyper and insane time, we all still make the best of the day. Love it all, love you all. =)

Please excuse my face in most of the picture..haha

Life is dead without people like you,
It is especially hard when life treats me like a fool.
Sometimes, I doubt about the true meaning of life,
But you all held me back, and lead me to the light.
I can do nothing but to thank all of you,
For being the greatest people in my life..

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